In working for my little fashion brand, One Dude Listening, I suffer so much from imposter syndrome.
Imposter syndrome is that uncomfortable feeling you experience when you think you're unqualified and incompetent. You might look around and assume everyone knows what they're doing except you. And if you achieve something good, you'll chalk your accomplishments up to “good luck.”
Whenever I share it with my friends, I think, "They must think I am so annoying for shilling my products."
Whenever I create content for the brand, I think, "I am so unoriginal. I am copying trends on social media."
Whenever I actually make money, I think, "Who am I to deserve these profits? I am not some big entrepreneur who's famous and totally skilled."
Whenever I look at others, I just think that they're better.
And with imposter syndrome, it's ironic when you find comfort in failure or fucking up. You'd think, "Welp, at least the pressure's off. It's done. I don't need to care anymore."
I guess you just have to find a way to shamelessly plough your way through.